Thursday 6 October 2016

Get Permanent Relief From Arthritis

In recent times, we might have been hearing the term Arthritis, but we might not have known what exactly, Arthritis is.

What is Arthritis?
Arthritis is a term often used to mean any disorder that affects joints.

Symptoms generally include joint pain and stiffness. Other symptoms may include redness, warmth, swelling, and decreased range of motion of the affected joints.

As of today, there has been no cure identified for rheumatic diseases. Research carried out in this area suggests that though there are no cures, the condition can be controlled. Treatment of arthritis may vary from individual to individual. Depending on the type, severity and impact of the disease, treatment has to be tailored to suit every individual. On discussion with experienced doctors, the risk and benefits of each treatment method can be analyzed. Experienced doctors at Ortho One at Coimbatore, India can give you best results within a short span of time. 

Medication for Arthritis: 

Inflammatory arthritis can be treated by using drugs. The sooner the patient starts the treatment, the better. Taking quick action on inflammatory arthritis can reduce the damage caused to the bones and joints. 

Therapy through drugs can be divided into two categories: 
  • Drugs that treat the symptoms (stiffness and pain) of arthritis
  • Drugs that can suppress the effects of inflammation, reducing progression of the disease.
To our luck, there’s no treatment in the world that can produce no side effects. Side effects in the treatment of arthritis using medication can be minor, and rarely serious. Consulting with rheumatology consultants can make it easy to treat the disease.

What are the possible medications for arthritis? 
  • Painkillers: The most commonly used painkiller is paracetamol. They can suppress the pain, but cannot give you long term relief.
  • Steroids and NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs): These are highly effective. They are used in the combination with analgesics. They are mostly prescribed in the cases of inflammation as they reduce swelling, stiffness, and pain. They are also available as gels and injections. NSAIDS are used with caution as they can produce heart attacks, strokes, and also affect important organs. 
What are the medications for Inflammation?

DMARDS (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs): It helps suppress the inflammation, and also helps in treating the cause of the disease. They are mostly used in the treatment of inflammatory types of arthritis, and connecting tissue diseases. They can be used safely when used for short durations. 

What are the Physical Therapies for Arthritis? 

Several physical therapies are recommended, a few of them are: 
  •  Hydrotherapy: Regular Exercise in a warm pool of water can provide you enough support and can avoid putting pressure on the joints. 
  •  Occupational Therapy: These Advices on how to manage daily tasks without adding pressure to the joints. 
  •  Physiotherapy: This helps with general fitness as well. Exercises are tailored to the patient's needs, along with usage of heat packs, and ice to help reduce pain. 
  • Surgery in Treatment of Arthritis: Surgery for arthritis has become a common procedure. If the damage caused to the joint is severe or treatments through other measures fail, surgery is the option. They are very simple procedures called keyhole surgery, where the joint needn’t be opened up. 
Ortho One Orthopedic Specialty Center offers best Arthritis Treatment in Tamilnadu with the help of dedicated team of doctors and other staff. 

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